Tuesday 25 November 2014


Here is the storyboard that we have drawn as a group. We all sat around a table and discussed what we needed to go into each box of our story. We knew we wanted to start with a shot of the waves 

which we thought will be a good way to start the begging of the film. From the help of Nick King who came in and talked to us and help us and give us ideas for out film, said that using loads of close ups of the actors face to make the audience feel awkward. 

Nick also said that we need to cut to black at a certain point in order to crate a flash back. At this point the music if we are going to add music will need to end as soon as the cut to black starts.

Then after the beach scene we are going to shoot at the grandparents house. At this point Chester is going to be unpacking his stuff out of the car and into the house. We are going to have different shot types from this point from Chester taking his stuff out of the car and then walking into thee house. In this scene this is when Chester finds the rugby ball which is when he has another flashback which reminds him  of his parents before they died in the car crash which is why he is now going to live with his parents.
In the next scene this is when Chester is going to get the phone call from the hospital saying that his parents have been in a fatal car crash.  At this point in time there will be a rugby ball some where which will cause him to think about his parents. After this the screen will cut to black to add suspense. We will also need to add some dialogue into this scene as well when Chester is responding to the other caller. Also Nick said that who ever is acting is going to need to be able to do good facial expressions especially when he has realised that his parents have just been in car crash.                                                      

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