Friday 28 November 2014

    Film Distribution

    • - What is film distribution?
    -  Film distribution is the process of when a movie is available to watch by anyone.
    • Who distributes films normally in the UK?
    - The UK has 6 main distributors
    • - Is this different from the vertical integration model followed by the major film studios? 
    - It is when the three stages are seen as part of the same larger process, under the control of one company.
    • - What steps are the three steps of distribution?
    -Once the film has been  made, this is when they can start to work on the films release strategy. Then the distributers can then secure the screening of the film within the cinemas. 
    • - What are the major decisions made during the marketing of a film?
    - The two main decisions when marketing a film are when they need to set a release date in a light week so they have more screen space. Then they need to invest in the materials and the marketing campaign to support it.
    • What is P&A? And why is it important?
    - P and A stands for Print and advertising. It is important

    •  How is digital technology revolutionising the process of film distribution & marketing? 

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