Wednesday 8 October 2014

This is a shot of Casino Royale (James Bond) which shows different aspects of mise-en-scene. In this shot it has low key lighting to be able to show the little help he has. There are beam of light that is in the background can show that he has been taken away from his life and that he is going to be killed. This could also show that he has a hope because the beam of lighting is shining down on him and that he has hope. this could also be seen that he is the hero because the light is shining on him.
The light that is being used is the key light that because the light is directly pointed at the subject.  Another Mise-en-scene technique is props. The props in this shot show that antagonist (Mads Mikkelson) has more power because he has a rope which is a prop and James Bond is unarmed and tied to a chair. This shows that he has less power because he has no weapon to fight back with.
In this scene the setting very isolated because they are in a empty run down boat where Bond is nowhere near any help. The costume and props is important in this scene because the antagonist is dressed in black, which can represent that he is evil.  James Bond is naked and tied down to a chair which can show his vulnerability.


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