Thursday 23 October 2014

Preliminary task


When we had finished the story board and were happy with it the next day we started to film out video. We knew where we had to go and what we had to do because of our story board. When we were filming we needed to remember to not go over the 180 degree rule otherwise our final film wont look right and it would be unfinished. We used  a tripod to be able to get still and steady shots which makes the film look more professional.
When we were shooting our film we had times where we had forgotten about the 180 degree rule so when we watched it back on the camera so we had to redo that clip again so It was all on the same side.
One other problem we had when we were filming was we turned the hall lights off and then realised it looked better for the scene. This meant that we had to redo a few shots because the lighting was different and would look out of place when we would watch it back.
Another problem that we had was when we did the focus pull we had to get the right speed because If it was too fast It would look out of sync, but if we did it too slow it would just make the shot even slower.

When we were shooting our film we had to take multiple takes for some of the scenes. Most of the time it was due to the fact that the actors kept on laughing or some one walked into the scene and you were able to see them in the background.

Overall I think we all did a good job at filming and that we followed the story board well and got the clips we wanted. If we had another chance I think we would only change a few things to make it better in some parts.

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