Tuesday 30 September 2014

Editing Techniques

These three shots area an example of a shot reverse shot of the chicken seeing that he is going to die. This shot is also a eye line shot because the chicken is looking at the feathers and then we cut back to the chicken but with a difference expression and because he  sees this he then runs away This can show that the chicken’s life is going to end which can also represent that rockets life will end as well.

Eye line match

This is a eye line match to show that James Bond is under cover and is scouting the area to help him on his mission. This is used to show James Bond’s attention towards the CCTV camera. 

Shot reverse shot

This is a shot reverse shot used to show a connection between these two characters. This make the audience intrigued to know the mystery in their connection. 

Graphic match

This is a graphic match to show that gambling will be a apart of James Bond’s mission (007).  This can also show that a key theme in this film is about Love, due to the fact that the playing card is the 7 of hearts and is connected to 007.

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