Sunday, 8 March 2015

New Beginning Scene

New Scene

After re-watching our opening scene a few times with multiple people we ended up deciding to add something new to the beginning, to add more tension. We decided to film a rugby scene with Chester and his friends and then Chester would go home and get a phone call from his Grandpa saying that his parents had just been in a car crash. We decided to start the opening scene with the rugby ball falling to chester's arms and then passing it in between his friends.

This is one of the scene that we did when Chester is passing the ball between his friends, and then he gets tackled hard against one of his friends.

After the rugby scene we would have changed to all of us walking home and then tom walking into his house before he gets the phone call. Would used a tripod so we could get a still shot of Chester and his friends walking back from having fun playing rugby in the park.

Then there would be the next shot of tom just when he gets the phone call from his grandparents which is a close up shot to show his facial expression. Then it would cut to the phone hitting the floor. It would then cut to black and then start to fade into the beach scene.

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