Creating my own horror poster
In class I was set a task with a partner to create our own horror posters. we wanted to make the mask more realistic by using blood that the teacher had brought in and used it to make the eyes more blood shot. We also used it around the mouth so I looked like he had just eaten some one. We wanted to try and find a location in the school where there was very little light to make the picture look better. We ended up using the hall which had black curtains which they use for plays. We went behind them so there was very little light showing and took photos of my partner wearing the mask.

These are some of the photos that we took in the hall. These photos are the ones that we didn't use because they had something wrong with them, for example the lighting, the body position or the background. With this one we didn't use it because the lighting only shows one side of the mask's face because the light was aimed at the right side (from the viewers perspective).
With this photo we didn't like how the lighting was too strong on just the left side of his face. We wanted there to be very minimal lighting so it would make the poster look scarier then having the whole mask light up which in this photo most of the mask is light up.
We ended up using this photo for our poster because we both agreed that the lighting, body position and background were all how we wanted them to be so we ended up editing this one for our final poster. We liked this photo because of how the lighting isn't too overpowering and we liked how one side of the face is darker from the light but isn't too dark so you are unable to see it. We also liked the fact that you are able to see the eyes of the subject in that is wearing the mask, which we both thought made it look more realistic.
When we started to edit the photo we wanted to make the mask look darker and more realistic. First we made the grey t-shirt darker so its harder to see and then we edited to face. We wanted the face to be more of a pale red colour so it looked more realistic. When in Photoshop we used the hue/saturation too to make the reds of the blood stand out. We also used the sharpen tool on the mask, to emphasise the wrinkles on the face to make it look more realistic.
This was our very nearly finished poster that we had made in class. All we had to do next was to add a billing block, release date, ratings and the tagline. We wanted to use a red colour for the font because we thought get would go well with the blood on the witches face. We also added a another face that is faded in front of the main face to look like she is shaking her head and to make it more interesting, rather then just having the simple one face like we had on the other stage.