Friday 8 May 2015

Question 7

Evaluation - Question 7
Overall  I am happy with the outcome of our opening scene for a film. The main part in which I like the most would have to be all the beach scenes and how we had edited them together. I think the main reason in why it turned out how we wanted it to was because the week before we planned everything out. We found the right location that we needed and we even asked Bens Grandparents if we could stay with them so we had two days to shoot if we missed anything on the first day so we had time to look through the footage and re-do anything that needed to be done. Before we went to film we had drawn up story boards so we knew what we had to film in an order and not just film shots n a random and unorganised order.  Here are two of the few story boards that we used when filming down in Hailing island  so we were planned and ready. Unlike the preliminary task where we just shot what we thought looked good and when it came to editing we just hoped that it would all link together.

Although when we had to reshoot the cycling part of our film again for the beginning part we didn't plan or make a story board we just knew what we wanted. So when we started to shoot we kind of argued a little because some of us didn't think the shots that we were getting  would be good. So we kind of just shot from all different angles and changed our beginning scene around a little when shooting.

When shooting the beach scene we didn't want to use a tripod because we thought the shots would look to still and abnormal. So instead we would just hold the camera so the shots wouldn't be 100% still there would still be some movement in them which I think looked better then some of the shots when we tried using a tripod. Although when toms friend has just been hit over by a car we used a tripod to get a few of the shots looking down at him dead on the floor, also using  a tripod meat that we could zoom out of the shot.
Another thing that I have learnt is continuity editing and how clips can look so different just if  something small is different. For example in our preliminary task we didn't realise that lewis is wearing his yellow lanyard in one scene and then  the next he isn't. So when we filmed on the beach we needed to look back at each of the clips to see if we could stop anything that was different from the last.

The lighting was anotherthing that we did struggle with was the lighting and how it can differ from each shot. When we were shooting in the hall the lighting would change from where we would stand and shoot and when we came to edit the clips they would look different because on one shot we would be standing underneath a light which would brighten up the frame and then the next would be dark from filming from a different location.

So when we went off to film in Hailing Island we needed to shoot all the shots in the same time period so the shots would all look the same and not darker in some scenes from the clouds for example. 

Evaluation | Question 6

Evaluation | Question 4 and 5

Evaluation | Question 3

Evaluation | Question 2

Evaluation | Question 1


Friday 1 May 2015

Shooting - Final New Scene

 When we changed our beginning scene we had to re-shoot it one day after school. We were going to shoot this scene at Toms house because he had the idea of shooting down one of his ally ways and then I would go around the corner and then get hit by a car. We had to shoot a few of the same shots again so we could edit to get fast passed cuts. One  thing we found hard was staying in the same position when shooting from different angles and making sure we didn't have any continuity errors.

Here are a few screenshots of the clips that we got like the beginning shot to establish that Chester is the main character.

Then another shot showing the other two characters.

Here is when lewis ( camera man ) would stand in different positions to get different angles so when editing we could use fast paced editing.

This was when we used a zoom out of when I am dead on the floor showing isolation with the blood running down my face.

Location For New scene

For the new scene that we are going to add we are filming it down one of our friends alley ways. We decided to shoot near his house so we were easily able to get all the equipment from his house and then cycle to the ally way and then film. We also used this alley way so we could ask his mum to get there car and drive it to the alley way so we could shoot it with a car to make it more realistic rather than just having my face on the floor. Using the car meant that we could show the audience what happened to me so it would make more sense.

We will cycle down the alley way towards the right and then I will be at the front so when I turn the corner I will hit the car straight on. Cycling down the alley way meant that Lewis (Camera man) meant that he could stand in different places and shoot the same scene so when we came to editing we could use fast paced cuts to create tension.