Tuesday 17 March 2015

Class Representation

Working Class Stereotypes 

- Selfish
- Women are normally out of control and loud
- Racist
- Alcoholics
- Abusive
- Violent
- Live in high crime areas
- School dropouts
- Violent dogs
- Pregnant teens
- Physical job like garage man/ builder
- Chav

Middle Class Stereotypes

- White collar jobs
- Home owner
- Golf, cricket , tennis
- Daily mail reader
- Financially stable family
- Able to go on vacation once a year
-  Family car
- Church goers
- Chooses work that requires a degree
- Have been taught one more skill

Upper Class 

- Hunting, Shooting and fishing
- snobby
- Land Owners
- Horses
- Wealthy
- Boarding school
- Have expensive cars
- Good manners
- Skiing
-  Toff

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