Tuesday 24 March 2015

Dominant and Subordinate representations of race.

Ethnic Stereotypes
Definition of Ethnicity - Ethnic traits, background, allegiance or associations or ethnic group.
Stereotypes -
Black people
- Faster/ better at sports
- Better singers
- Better Dancers
- Over sexual
- Crime
- Less intelligent
White People
- Upper-class
- Cant Dance
- Well spoken
- Dumb blondes
- Greedy
- Materialistic
Asian People
- Computer nerd
- Mathematical
- Corner shops
- Pushy parents
- Usually Irish
- Baggy clothing/ gold earrings
- Travel
- Party a lot  
- Steal all of our jobs
- Builders
- Poor

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Class Representation

Working Class Stereotypes 

- Selfish
- Women are normally out of control and loud
- Racist
- Alcoholics
- Abusive
- Violent
- Live in high crime areas
- School dropouts
- Violent dogs
- Pregnant teens
- Physical job like garage man/ builder
- Chav

Middle Class Stereotypes

- White collar jobs
- Home owner
- Golf, cricket , tennis
- Daily mail reader
- Financially stable family
- Able to go on vacation once a year
-  Family car
- Church goers
- Chooses work that requires a degree
- Have been taught one more skill

Upper Class 

- Hunting, Shooting and fishing
- snobby
- Land Owners
- Horses
- Wealthy
- Boarding school
- Have expensive cars
- Good manners
- Skiing
-  Toff

Taking the BBC British Class Test

In our lesson today we had to take a test on the BBC website. The test was all about seeing which class you fit into wither it being upper class, middle class or working class. But in this test they had different categories that were very similar. I filled out the questionnaire pretending to be my parents so I would get a good idea in which class I would be in because I will follow on from what group my parents are in.

This is a scale of what the stereotypes of each class look like which a little caption next  to them. This can be altered though because you cant always judge what class some one is in via what they wear.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

This is my contact sheet from our opening sequence. The first frame is our opening shot of Chester Wallace walking down the beach thinking about life. The title sequence that I made is going to go with the second shot when there is a medium shot of Chester walking. We still need to find a appropriate song to go with our genre of film. We also still need to find out a name for our film as we can't all decided on a good and appropriate Title for our film which will go over when Chester is walking down the beach. The next shot will be framed through a ring with focus pull focusing on the actor.

Tuesday 10 March 2015


Here we are tying to find out cast members for our film.  We are looking for a main character who is able to pull off the role that we want them to and can look depressed and sad when we want them to.  We want a character who is down to earth being either a boy or girl. We also might need to look for more characters for other scenes in our film. 

All of these people are in our media class so we are able to easily contact them when needed if we would want them in out film. We also can't decide wither or not we would like a girl actor or a boy actor at the moment.

One problem is that none of these students have taken drama for GCSE or A-level which could be draw back from having a good actor, but because we don't want some one who is over confident and melodramatic which is the opposite of what we want. We want some one who looks normal and looks depressed.

Testing out shots for our rugby scene

In our lesson we went out into the field to test out some shots for our ruby scene.  We wanted to try and get the first shot when Tom (main character) catches the ball in the air.  We were just trying out different shot types and using auto and manual focus to see which looks best.   

We will be filming the rugby scene at the park and we are going to invite some people so we are   able to get more people to make it look like a little rugby kick around with some friends having fun.

We have decided to film like a mini montage for our rugby scene with using different cuts and editing techniques. We will e filming the scene in the park hopefully on a sunny day with a big group of friends to make it look like a proper rugby game.  

Sunday 8 March 2015

New Beginning Scene

New Scene

After re-watching our opening scene a few times with multiple people we ended up deciding to add something new to the beginning, to add more tension. We decided to film a rugby scene with Chester and his friends and then Chester would go home and get a phone call from his Grandpa saying that his parents had just been in a car crash. We decided to start the opening scene with the rugby ball falling to chester's arms and then passing it in between his friends.

This is one of the scene that we did when Chester is passing the ball between his friends, and then he gets tackled hard against one of his friends.

After the rugby scene we would have changed to all of us walking home and then tom walking into his house before he gets the phone call. Would used a tripod so we could get a still shot of Chester and his friends walking back from having fun playing rugby in the park.

Then there would be the next shot of tom just when he gets the phone call from his grandparents which is a close up shot to show his facial expression. Then it would cut to the phone hitting the floor. It would then cut to black and then start to fade into the beach scene.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Target Audience

Target Audience

For our film the target audience is going to be aimed at ages 16 to 20 year olds. We aimed it at the younger audience so they are able to relate to the main character. We will be able to attract our audience by having props, fast cuts and music in our opening scene. We will be starting our scene with Chester on the beach in dark clothing walking down an empty beach showing isolation.  People who go to the cinema to watch Coming of age films are normally young adults/ teenagers because they want to be able to connect to the actors. 

For our film we have aimed it at this age because on our survey that we posted on reddit we found that most of the people that watch Coming of age films are around this age so if we target out film to the same age group they will be attracted to watch it. 

Friday 6 March 2015

Post Production 

This week  we focused on editing and putting together the clips that we had taken when we went to Hailing Island. We started off by choosing all the clips from the sd card and then putting them together in Final Cut Pro. We then started to cut the clips and then place them together. After we had put together all the clips we watched it back as a group to see if lewis the editor had left out any clips or had made any mistakes which he did. After we had watched it a few more times and made some minor adjustments. One thing we need to find out is which song to use for the beginning of our scene when Chester is walking on the beach we are going to try and find some sad music to make a depressing atmosphere.  We have tried a few songs but we just don't think they made the scene depressing or they were too sad and just made the shots feel different which is what we don't want.

Overall we all like the begging of our film and we think we have gone onto a good start but we just need to finish of the second part of filming which will be the house scene.

We have designed a questionnaire to be able to find out target audience and to identify our target audience's demographic. Here is a link to out questionnaire so you are able to see the questions that we asked. (Questionnaire)

Storyboard for new scene.

This is the story for our new scene that is going to go after the black out. The shot will start of with chester catching the rugby ball and then we have a small montage of people playing rugby. Then Chester (Main character) goes home and then sees either a missed call or a voice mail on his phone from a relative saying that his parents have been in a car crash and they are in the hospital.
We changed our film because we thought that the second part after the flash back was a bit dull and nothing really happened. We just took up one minute and thirty seconds of Chester walking up stairs and going into a room which we thought was a waste of out time. So we decided to change it and have a rugby ball as an object that will remind Chester of his old life when he was still living with his parents.

When we are shooting we will use this storyboard to remind us of what we need to film and can be our guide and so we can relate to something when we film.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Codes and conventions of a Coming of age

A coming of age film is normally considered to be about the transition from childhood to adulthood normally targeted at teenage audience. Coming of age genres normally emphasize dialogue rather than action. The main character in a coming of age film tends to be around the ages of 16 to 18 which normally are the ages in which go to the cinema and watch this genre. Coming of age film normally consist of multiple story lines such as virginity, pregnancy relationships and friendships. The story line is normally realistic with the protagonist often facing realistic everyday challenges. A break up between characters normally occurs and breaks down. Other things tend to happen as well like illness, lessons learnt and a hero comes out victorious.

Wednesday 4 March 2015


When we we're searching for music on YouTube we found a good acoustic guitar track played by some one called  Tombaileymusic. We played the song several times and decided that we all liked it so then we downloaded it and put it over our 2 minute clip.  

In order to be able to use his music in our film we needed to ask Tom Bailey to be able to use his music and so we wouldn't get a copyright strike, so we got ben to message Tom Bailey on Twitter to be able to ask him if we were able to use his song in which he replied with Yes but only if we were not getting paid for our film which we are not.

We are not 100% sure that we are going to use his music or not in our film because we think that is too slow and sad and we just want something calm and child for when Chester is walking on the beach. We will sill be looking for music but first we will need to finish out editing and cutting all the clips together. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Names for our film

For our film we want to have a good name instead of "The Decisive moment" which we think didn't work with the genre of our film. 

We have researched different coming of age films so we can have an idea of a good name that will work with our genre. 
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Boyhood
  • Stand by Me
  • Kidulthood
  • The Spectacular Now
We are aiming for a film that has "The" at the beginning because we think that sounds best at the beginning of the film.