Friday 12 December 2014

Nick King, Professional Editor  Feedbac

On friday the 5th Nick King came into our  media lesson and helped us by giving us ideas to improve our film. 
We first started by talking to Nick and telling  him our ideas and how we wanted our film to look like and then he gave us some feedback into how would can improve it and make it more realistic. 

He first started of by saying how the sound and how less is more and instead of having nation and waves and background music to just have something like the waves that can have a stronger effect. 

When then also told him that the beginning of our film will have someone looking like they are going to commit suicide. He talked about how it can be very hard to make it look like someone is going to kill them self, but we can do so with having different shot types like a close up on the eyes which can confuse the audience. 

When we start to actually film we need to start with close ups to make the audience to make them feel  uncomfortable. When filming he told us to always reshoot, reshoot and reshoot so when it comes to edit it makes it easier to intercut when editing. 

The last piece of advice he gave us was to always keep shooting and that we would never have too many shots, and to just keep shooting.  


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  2. blog** haha lodl

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