Friday, 13 February 2015

Testing Title Sequences In Final Cut Pro 

In todays lesson I was testing out and making multiple title sequences for the beginning of our two minute film. We decided that we were going to use the title sequence over the beginning clip of our film when chester Wallace is walking down the beach. I tested out different fonts that would normally be seen in coming of age films. I used a different range of titles given from Final Cut Pro that I could test out with different shot types.  
Here a clip of all the different title sequences that I have made just testing out with different fonts to see which looked best. The name of these title sequences is called " The Decisive Moment" which isn't going to be the name of our film its just a test to see what the fonts looks like.
We then looked at all the clips together to see which one we liked the most, and ended up choosing the second title sequence because we thought it suited the genre of film best. 

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Mock Exam Question 2 Feedback
“The film used social networks and medias to sell the film, also with the help of Film 4 and Channel 4 airing it on TV increased The numbers of viewers a lot in a short amount of time”

Edited version - The film used social networks, such as twitter to advertise/ promote the film. By using this existing, audiences of fans of the directors work, knowledge of the film could spread through digital technology. 
“Through using twitter A field in England gained 12,000 followers. Which is important because it meant they had a vast group of people interested in the film”

Edited Version - Through the use of social media A Field in England gained attention from Ben Wheatley's twitter account with 12,000 followers. Having these loyal followers meant they could be engaged with the director himself.   

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Mock Feedback

ASP- C              
Q1 - 20 - E
EZZ- 9
EX - 8
Term - 3

Targets - 

Be far more explicit about your examples - perhaps stick yo one paragraph per micro element rather than retelling the story  as you are too descriptive.

Incorrect terminology - revise low angle and high angle shots.

Missed out editing totally.
Mock Feedback 

Amy is a stereotypical teen.  This is shown by the clothes she wears.  She is wearing baggy jeans while the rest of the cast are wearing smart farm workers attire.


Amy is a stereotypical teenager which is shown by her bright coloured clothing .  She is wearing baggy jeans and  while the rest of the cast are wearing smart farm workers attire. This shows that she is younger from the bright yellow clothing that she is wearing.

The Representation of Disability in 'Coming Down The Mountain'
One way in which disability is shown in this clip with the use of a wide angle shot showing the two brothers in a camp sight. The wide shot shows you the  brothers standing together with the younger one slightly tilted and that his clothes are too small for him which indicates that he might have a disability.
Disability is stereotyped in this clip through the use of shot reverse shot which shows he contrast between the two brothers. Another way how disability is shown is through the use of mise-en-scene and how the younger brother is very cheeky in this case he moves his eye brows up and down.
One way in which the editing can represent disability is through use of long takes and how the power has changed roles which causes the audience to feel uncomfortable as of now the younger brother has started to question the older brother in why he lied about sleeping with a girl.

Through the use off lighting the older brother is only half lit from the fire whilst the rest of his body/ face is in shadows whereas the younger brother is fully lit and you are able to see him clearly. This can show that they both have different personality's. This can also show that the older brother is trying to hide something that he wants to keep secret from people.

Another way in which down syndrome is represented in this clip is through the use of mise-en-scene. The younger brother is seen to cheeky through the use of his facial expressions in which he moves up and down suggesting something to his older bother. This represents people to have down syndrome to not know expressions of other people which could come across to be uncomfortable.