Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Editing Techniques

These three shots area an example of a shot reverse shot of the chicken seeing that he is going to die. This shot is also a eye line shot because the chicken is looking at the feathers and then we cut back to the chicken but with a difference expression and because he  sees this he then runs away This can show that the chicken’s life is going to end which can also represent that rockets life will end as well.

Eye line match

This is a eye line match to show that James Bond is under cover and is scouting the area to help him on his mission. This is used to show James Bond’s attention towards the CCTV camera. 

Shot reverse shot

This is a shot reverse shot used to show a connection between these two characters. This make the audience intrigued to know the mystery in their connection. 

Graphic match

This is a graphic match to show that gambling will be a apart of James Bond’s mission (007).  This can also show that a key theme in this film is about Love, due to the fact that the playing card is the 7 of hearts and is connected to 007.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Charlie Harris - Lighting.

3 point lighting

3 point lighting consists of three different lights: The Key light. The Fill light and The Back light.By using these lights you are able to illuminate the shots and also being able to control the shadows.

Key light
This is a Key light is the when the light is pointed directly at the subject. If you were to take a shot outside the sun would be your key light. The key light also creates the main illumination and is the main light source.

Fill light 
The fill light is when it makes the subject more visible. The fill light should be opposite the Key light.The fill light also balances the key by illuminating shaded surfaces.

Back light
The back light is when a light shines the subject from behind. It is almost like seeing a silhouette which is being formed from the light behind. 

High key
This is when there are no shadows and then what is left is strong detail. This type of lighting was used in Tv shows and films as a way to kill the shadows. They did this by shining 3 lights on the actor.

Back lit shots
This is when the subject is being illuminated from behind and this acts like a glowing effect around the characters. This can be dun by natural light or man made light as well.

Low key
This is when the shot is a dark image and only uses light for specific tones of the face or where ever. This shot is mainly used for dark shadows and can cause a slight sense of alienation.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

The Different camera shots. Charlie Harris.

The different camera shots.

This is a Close up shot of the duck. This is normally focused on the face and then the background will be blurred. This is able to show emotion of a character.

This is a Extreme close up. This is able to show emotion within a character and is also able to show dramatic effect. This would normally be in better focus.

This is a dutch shot. This is when the camera is at a slight angle/ tilt. This is sometimes able to show tension.

This is a medium shot of the duck. Normally this would only have a characters head and shoulders in it. This is used so you can see the characters facial expressions. 

This is a low angle shot which is meant to make the viewer feel confusion. This shot is normally taken with a plain or sky background. this can add  disorientation of the viewer

This is a high angle shot of the duck. This shot is used to make the character feel small and powerless. It is like a tall giant is towering over you.

 This is a wide shot because you area now able to see the whole duck. This shot is normally used for action as you are able to see the whole body.

This is a over the shoulder shot. This shot is normally used for a conversation between two people, to show there emotions. 

This is a point of view shot (pov). This is when the shot will be of the characters perspective. This is used so the audience can act like they are the character. 

This is a very wide shot because the duck is still blurry. This shot is for 
placing him in his environment.

This is a extreme wide shot of the duck because you are barley able to see the duck. This is used to show where the action is going to take place.

This is a birds eye view shot of the duck. A birds eye view shot is when you are high above the character/ object. This can sometimes show that the character is small and timid.

This is a two shot. This is normally used within a conversation so the audience is able to see the different emotions between the characters. 

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Media Questionnaire

What age range do you fall into?
  • 10-20
  • 21-30
  • 31-40
  • 41-50
  • 51-60
  • 61-70
What type of media do you mostly use?
  • Tv
  • Radio
  • film
  • music 
  • Videogames
  • Social media 
  • not on the list.
How often will you access it a week.
  • 1-2 Hours
  • 3-4 hours
  • 5-6 Hours
  • 6-7 Hours
  • 8-9 Hours 
  • 10 + Hours 
In a month how often will you go the cinema?
  • Never 
  • 1-5 times 
  • 6-7 times 
  • more than 8 times
If you use a Social media site, state which one and why?
  • FaceBook - 
  • Twitter - 
  • myspace - 
  • Instagram - 
  • not any stated above - 
Do you keep up with the new technology?
  • Not at all
  • Sometimes
  • All the time 
Overall how long do you think you have spent surfing the web in the last few days?
  • 0-1
  • 2-3
  • 4-5
  • 6-7
  • 8+
What is your favourite type of device for accessing the internet?
  • Mobile Phone 
  • Computer 
  • tablet 
  • Console

Overall I found out that when people are aged around 51-60 + I found that they use the internet a lot less then the younger generation. I think this could be because they didn't have all this technology when they were brought up. I also found out that my parents and grandparents would either watch Tv  or read a newspaper to catch up with all the latest news. 

When I asked a few people at the age rang of about 10-20 I realised that 90% of them would use there mobile phones and computers in order to get onto the internet or to play games. I think this is due to the younger generation being brought up around the new technology and being brought up with it and using it in every day life.